

What y'all doing & eat'n?

I will be making a pecan pie with pecans from a tree I had in Florida. The crust will be from Mrs. Smith's. I am going to be with great new friends I have made here in CA. no family this year but it will still be a blast!
Hangin'. Drinkin' a Bud.
Going with the fam and my sister and her husband to the Princeton Hyatt buffet. Spectacular, and no one has to whine about the fact that my family doesn't eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
AND you don't have to cook OR clean up. And who would whine, anyway? Why should they care? Eat. Enjoy. Be grateful. All is well.
Goin' to Monroeville for the traditional Hansmann Family gathering at my brother's place. Cheryl is making the pies!!!
Oi. Typical dysfunctional post-nuclear family celebration- but no turkey- none of my dysfunctional post-nuclear family likes turkey one bit. So, I have that going for me.
But I did get to finally unpack most of my books - some of which have not been unpacked since 1999. In a side note, the IUP alum from, like 1981-88 have exploded with pictures and conversations on Facebook. It has an eerie "parallelness" to Tabishland, except, of course, its inhabitants aren't nearly as good looking or witty.
Turkey avoidance is one way to avoid the tryptophan induced post-prandial stupor.
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