


We don't watch huge amounts of TV, but the kids and I have our favorite shows. We just watched the season premier of The Office (loved it!), and look forward to Lost and Scrubs (although that's been going downhill). My friends talk about "Heroes" but I've never seen it. What do you guys watch?

I try not to watch much. When I do watch, I'm usually very disappointed.

I have stumbled into the recent PBS documentary on the Warner Brothers. It is also a fascinating history of the film industry.

I am thankful that hockey season begins soon. I'll watch Penguin hockey games.
I saw that PBS show Eric--and enjoyed it alot.

I don't watch much TV either. I quit when I realized that my life went on pretty much the same whether I watched a show or missed it. I try to keep up w/ Grey's so I can join in the discussions at work. A friend is talking me into checking out House and Bones. House is a new topic at work. I'm not sure yet that I'll start watching on a regular basis.
carolina BB
No Reservations with Anthony Bourdain
How It's made
Love Bourdain, some times Zimmerman, Top Chef, I don't cook very well...
My favorite show is that one where women in swimwear eat bugs and stuff- what's it called? Hannity and Combs? I also like watching reruns of the HairBair Bunch and old newsreals of Estes Kefauver talking about amendements to the Clayton Act (that is when he can get a word in edgewise. That damn Jim Lehrer is so rude!).

Also, I like Bewitched- but not he ones with Dick York or Dick Sargent as Darren, but the ones after both of them got fired and so Darren's on vacation and Samantha gets a visit from Satan played with great aplomb by John Davidson. That's what I call tv.
I don't have your kind of cable Mr. Fun.
(sorry for the repost, but I realized I replied to a post from 9/2006!)

OK, Ms. Kim Contrucci (as I knew you) - in fact, I believe I met you 29 years ago (which is tough cuz I've convinced myself I'm only 39). You hold a very special place in my heart if you can remember why, I'd be impressed. :)

I've thought about you about a dozen times in the last 2 weeks for some reason and, although you're not the spa owner, it's via Google I found ya!

Tabishland told me so much of what you've been doing but I would very much love to hear from you.

Figure it out yet? My email address won't give it away, but c'mon... how many accompanists did you have when you lived in Brooklyn around 1982/83?

...oh - and on subject, Project Runway and South Park are pretty much the only things I watch these days. No more soaps for me! ;)

Mystery Man
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