

Not the Olympics, but pretty cool

So, that was really scary and all to those of us who don't like heights. My favorite, though, was the pale blue warm up suit worn by the fan near the end.

Did anyone notice that Diana Nyad was one of the announcers? Diana Nyad from NPR's The Savvy Traveler. I googled her and found out that she used to be a long-distance swimmer - one of her feats was to swim from the Bahamas to Florida.

I think Diana was also an Olympic swimmer or swam the English Channel too?
Offers superb and intelligent sports/economics commentary on NPR. One of my faves along with Nina.

Heights make me very nervous.
Oh yeah, my palms were sweaty from the view.

I zipped last month at Sean's scout camp. I was totally worried, not about zipping--I was totally pumped for that--but about the view from the tower. But honestly, once I was up there it was amazing. I took a bunch of pictures. I was harnessed, so maybe that helped. I'm thinking of trying some climbing/rappelling next.
See yunz at the New River Gorge on Bridge Day for bungie and base jumping!

There is also great pizza joint a mile away.
Hey...I just learned how to make links work on comments!

Well I'll be cow-kicked!
Hey Eric, I've heard about Bridge Day--Sean did a Boy Scout Whitewater High Adventure @ New River (ACE) in June. I've been on the bridge--it's AWESOME!
Bridge Day looks VERY cool but perhaps not as cool as a guy who can make links work in comments.

I remember Diana Nyad as a swimmer, mostly because of her name -- the Naiads (promounced the same) were water nymphs in Greek Mythology class. Tabish's Mythology class was one of my favorites in high school.

Nell, I guess I'm hopelessly out of date...the only zipping I know about has to do with garments. What were you doing?
Sorry, Kim. I guess I never did explain that.

It's called "ziplining" or "canopy touring". One is tethered to a cable strung through and between tree tops. It's on the order of a tarzan swing with both ends of the rope attached to trees. One must have rudimentary climbing skills to get to the top of the zip tower. Zipping can also be done in artificial environs of cruise ships and indoor climbing locales.

This article provides a good explanation.

I have a video of my second zip posted on my Facebook page. My first trip I squealed like a girl cuz it was so much fun. Sometime I'd like to try it upside down, forgetting of course to mention this to the spotters.
BTW, I went to this cool place in France back in 2001.
Well, I've never heard of this, and I have to say, it appears to be both exhilarating and terrifying. Kind of like dating in high school was (har). I'd love to try it, but my fear of heights could possibly get in the way.
Kim, I have a huge fear of heights, too. For me, the step off into air was the big risk. Conquering that fear is huge. I'm still afraid of heights, but taking the risk and moving forward is huge for me. I can do it!
But will no one help me mock the pale blue warm up suit?
You're right, darling, let's get back to the important things: your comments.

Well...gee....pale blue warm up suit. That is SO LAME.
now we're talking!! Yeah, pale blue is so...lame. I wrote a poem about it:

oh woman in the powder blue warm up suit,
you are so lame.
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