

"June 7, 1975, 7.45 to 10.45 pm"

Music by "Dark Horse"

"Ninth Grade was....
Selling magazines for the dance
Winning Georgeous George
The play and the musical(*)
The "snake assembly"

(*) "Swingin' High", of course, starring Almost Dramatical Geoff Day

I wore a powder blue leisure suit with dark piping and my dad's white patent loafers. It was my first dance but I didn't have a date. I didn't dance with anyone but stood to the side of the Jr High cafeteria with George Bertha, who also wore white patent leather loafers. Mandy Williams danced with her boyfriend Randy to Barry Manilows "Mandy". I think I went home early.

But more importantly, why did I save this program, and why haven't I thrown it out? It's a sickness: nostalgia is a form of depression perhaps?

Okay, so I remember the Ninth Grade Dance. (pinnacle of all things Junior High, or so it seemed at the time)

I have NO recollection of Gorgeous George, much less winning him, but it must have been special. I also haven't the foggiest memory of a snake assembly.

I DO remember selling those $*@#& magazines, but I thought that was for the Ninth Grade trip to Kennywood. I remember Dark Horse (for some reason we thought they were the hottest band this side of the Atlantic). Of course I remember the play and the musical. Funny thing though. A couple of weeks ago, Mr. Almost Dramatical asked me if I was in the musical. No kidding. For those who don't remember or never knew, I played opposite Mealy. Not one of my more memorable performances obviously.

But here's what I need to have cleared up. How could Mandy and Randy have been at OUR Ninth Grade Dance when they were a year ahead of us? Just wondering.

I can't say why you seem to keep every scrap of paper that ever crossed your hands Tim. I will say that nostalgia is sometimes depressing, or maybe TOO MUCH nostalgia can be depressing. Although I think in some ways it's like genealogy. It's good to know where you've come from in relation to where you're going--or where you'd like to go.
You've confounded me with the Randy/Mandy thing...

George was that stuffed gorilla, Mr Pania(?) was hyping all spring as a cool award.

You kissed GD too, yes?
Jesus God, Tim. I don't remember ever kissing Geoff. If I did, I've blotted from my memory.

Any recollection of the "lucky" George winner? Probably some dark horse, huh? ;)

M&R were probably at some high school dance. Any high school dance.
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Mealy and Nell kissed. A big, sloppy, tonguey kiss, I'm almost sure.

I love the program. Don't remember it at all, but it looks sooooo mid seventies. I have every scrap of paper, too. Fun to go through stuff every now and then...even now, I learn things.

I also remember Dark Horse. I think George Harrison had a famous album by that name around that time, it could be why it stuck in everyone's memory.

I know all about Randy and Mandy, the Bennifer of our time, only you can't combine their names in that way, because it would just turn out to be Mandy or Randy.

Randy and Mandy went to every dance. I have no doubt they went to every dance even after they left Indiana Junior high. That's who they were. They dated for the eternal time of EIGHT MONTHS in junior high, therefore we all considered them married. Randy and I were friends. They broke up at some point that summer, and Randy and I dated for a week. Then, he went back to Mandy. I was crushed. I believe he knocked her up in high school and they may be married still. So it didn't turn out too bad for me after all, I guess.
Nell: "Chevy van" and "Afternoon Delight". To remind you of your burned out, dazed and confused, bad girl HS daze? Or am I thinking of Ginger?

DH had alot of great personnel on it, but not his best ablum.

A "Bad Company" onced played at a dance. But I don't remember Paul Rodgers fronting them, nor did they play any of their hits.

My idea for for a movie is the 70's seen thru the eyes of some hack local prom band in WPa. The buildup is that they are scheduled to open for somebody like REO Speedwagon or Pablo Cruise "at the Stanley!" as the climax and their big break. But it all falls thru and they end up working at Pep Boys for the rest of their life reliving "when we almost opened for The Steve Miller band". Sort of "Almost Famous" meets "Dazed and Confused"....so actually I guess it's been done....
btw, '75 was 33 years ago. That's well more than half way to 50.

We're talkin' serious money now.

Time to start using that passport, Nell.
I'm pretty sure I walked home after the dance...in a sky blue, nay CAROLINA blue, leisure suit with.... white loafers. If Billy Riddle had met me, he's have kicked my ass. But he was in juvey by then.

""Dark Horse". The name itself just rings of tightass flares, wide-colored patterned polyester shirts, fern-oak-and-brass Sheraton nightclubs in Kittaning and Fleetwood Mac covers. Or dare I say Chris Yanuzzi and Steve Yagel? With Lou Rizzo on drums?
Steve Yagel, Chris Yanuzzi and Lou Rizzo. Wow, Tim, you nailed that trio!

You guessed one correctly--Afternoon Delight. One down, one to go.

Still have to rent the movie before dusting off the passport. Give me time.
Ninth grade....I was a real geek. I had bad glasses, bad hair, bad clothes. No dances for a few more years.

It was great to make some lasting friendships in Junior High with Dave Putt, Jim Gordon, Joe Intili, Joe Carl, and a few others.

I think I met Ian in Tenth grade, but cannot exactly recall. I remember meeting Tim, Eric, Kim, Nell and others in Tenth Grade as a cast member in The Sound of Music. I'm pretty sure I met Chip, Joe and Gene in Eleventh Grade.

It's all getting so fuzzy now.
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