

Don't be hating on the Ewoks...

Mmmm, Billy Dee. I have got to get that trilogy.
Okay, so here's the deal: I hate Star Wars. I think Star Wars is stupid. I don't care about Star Wars. I admire the marketing firm that handled the Star Wars account for the second trilogy because they made me want to go see them (and I did), despite the fact that I hate Star Wars. After I saw the 4th,5th & 6th movies, I thought to myself "wow, those movies were really dumb"

And, I love entertaining block buster Hollywood movies. I saw Spiderman in the movie theater. If I had time, I would probably go see IronMan. Indiana Jones- I'll be there. Lord of the Rings movies? Well, I didn't love them, but I liked them. They were really cool monster movies. But, Star Wars? Always hated it, always will.

(why do I feel like I did when I was thirteen and announced that I didn't go to church?)
And that's okay Ian. We're all entitled to our opinions. We all have movies, and other things for that matter, that appeal to us but others rather despise. Variety. It's what makes the world go 'round. It's also what teaches us tolerance.

FYI, I've only ever seen the first Star Wars trilogy. Dropped Em off to see the second trilogy movies with her friends. At the time (I think she was 12) I thought she was so young to be going 'alone' to the movies. Seems like yesterday. Now she's graduating. I digress.

I keep meaning to see the second trilogy but it hasn't worked out. But, yeah, I can't wait to see Indiana Jones. I'm looking forward to Sex and the City and I'm guessing not many of you plan on attending that one. Sign me up for Speed Racer, too. That's next Friday.

Heck Ian, it's cool that you share your opinions in this venue. And we still love you, no matter what movies you like or dislike.
I never saw the first Star Wars movie when it came out, I think in protest because it wasn't Star Trek, and you may remember those days, guys...if you didn't see a movie in the movie theater, and were too busy smooching when it came to the drive-in (not that I went to the drive-in showing, either), then you were plum out of luck.

As a result...I missed about ten years of pop culture references. "May the Force Be With You." ... what? I had no idea what anyone was talking about. I'm not saying it was bad, but it was a little irritating and unnerving.
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