


Nothing says spring like the first grass cutting of the season. Who else has been out there weed-whackin' today?

I meant to invite the extended Tab-Fam group to West Virginia this weekend to assist with the first cutting of the grass. It would have made for a memorable Tab-Fest and there would have been soup for all!
Is that YOU in that garb, Eric? I hope you've spared all the herbs destined for soup bowls far and wide.
I NEVER cut the grass, I believe in letting it reach its full potential.
No, that is not me. It is Ian trimming the grass behind the stage area in Ellicott City as he prepares for another summer sched.

Dora is just out of the picture with a rake.
I own some SERIOUS mowing technology out on the farm. I'm talkin' SERIOUS.
Goats are verrrry serious.
What is it you have Tim, I can't remember--something like a 46" mower deck?
72" deck, are we clear?

And cattle (my eco alternative).

And thinking of goats, if I can figure out how to keep the dogs off them.
Tim you just need to get another dog.

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