

Would any of you come visit me if I move here??

See the theatre?

Absolutely beautiful Ginger!
Yeah, theatre in my kind of paradise.

Do we actually have movement on the blog again?? Where is Kimber?
Inuit Little Theatre?
Saskachetwan Players?
NZ Maori Minstrel and Acting Group?

Tim would you be interested in coming in as a guest director,
you could choose between the ever popular,

Big Foot The Musical.

Or the politically charged drama,

I'm a Lumberjack and that Don't Pay.

Or you could create an original Maori Minstrel Show, dream ballet included.

Whatta ya say Doc?
Jeff are you up for some lyric writting? Between you and Heir Doctor, we may be able to take the NZ Maori Minstrel Show to Broadway.
Title: "Sniglet: The Musical" Or "Sniglusical"?
"Sniglusical" Absolutely!
ginger- ginger- how did it go? Hey wanna go see Good Woman... on Saturday night with Dora and me? (start 'em young with Brecht)
Email me!
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