

Snigletuation (n.)

Sniglet deployed to punctuate a phase of blogstasis.

Blogstasis (n.): a pause in blog activity, usu. marked by the intrusion of real life, but sometimes paradoxically marked by actual posts drawing attention to the lack of posts (antonym of blogstacy).

Blogstacy (n.) ecstatic effusion of blog posts such as really funny classic movie clips with Sponge Bob voiceovers on You Tube that your daughter watches repeatedly to the point of memorization (esp., though not exclusively, because of the moment when Ingrid Bergman says "yay-ess" in Sandy's Texas drawl), and maybe also including unexpected appreciations of genuine rockers who nevertheless have at times revealed questionable ethics regarding animals (blogstatic, adj.).

Jeff, I love these sniglets. I've misplaced the blogtionary but they def. have a place there.
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