

Caption Contest!

And now for something a little different...

Oh, come ON! From the classic 70's shirt to the beautifully chiseled features! I don't even know where I GOT this photo, the universe appears to have beamed it to my hard drive. Ian, you at least must have something to say!
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"Ils m'appellent M. JazzHands"
"Hey Ian, the entire population of Americans who were in High School in the late seventies called. They still think you're a dork"
and of course...
"a mime is a terrible thing to waste"

.. thank you ladies and gentlemen, you were a wonderful audience, drive safely. It's been a real pleasure. Good night.
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"Shields and Yarnell, why or why won't you return my calls!!!"
Yay! Thank you!

FWIW, I think it's really cool. The question is, does that mean it is cool, or I'm not?
A little bit more to your right and you will achieve the perfect Tabish Lean.
Oh jeez, I gotta do that old 'stuck-in-the-box' routine again....I hope Hansmann gets me a sub from Foodland.
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