

Yellow 70's Picture

This is from our Blog so It doesn't really count,
but man is it YELLOW!
Anyone else care to share?

Van gogh, yellow aura, digitalis:

Easy on the postop analgesia Ginger or your blogging may get too creative.
I recall some heartless rock critic saying that Stevie Nicks had taken shredded paper napkins to a new level with her 1980's video costumes. So being kind of heartless too, I'm wondering if the Bon Ton was pushing the tablecloth/doilie look that winter?
I think Lisa and I bought our dresses at the Mecca of shopping, The Monroeville Mall.
Yeah, and nerd that I was, I created my ensemble myself. You can't tell now, but it was actually mint green. Qiana. Disco ruled.
Tim your JAMA/digitalis link isn't complete or it didn't wrap but I'm interested to read it.
google "van gogh....digitalis...jama"
T.C. Lee, 1982???
Interesting hypothesis.
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