

Here's Yellow For You

Of course, I distinctly remember the picture was yellow at the time. Maybe the set was yellow? Except for when it was "Nazi Red."

"This rehearsal sucked like a urinary tract infection; in fact, it's was so bad why don't we just paint the set piss yellow?"
Actually, THIS rehearsal was good. But okay, I can still buy that he said that.
It occurs to me that this picture was taken 4 months prior to my getting involved with theater for the first time in my life- a monkey on my back that has remained with me for 31 years. It's sort of like thinking about the last time you were sober (I imagine!).

I remember being aware of all of you back before I got involved with theater- and thinking how cool you all were.

Today Dora has off school so we're going to the pet store to buy a cat toy for her new kitten Melon.
also Dora wants me to tell you all that she made a special toy this morning.
Think of it as golden, like the memories.

And how the hell is GH making her leg do that?

Best to Melon.
and Dora.
The legs are interesting. It occurred to me that I've never seen a line of people so-called dancing that have been so very, very not in tandem. Truly remarkable. I think GH HAD to do that to her leg so she didn't accidentally do what one of us was doing.

Ian, I am going to send you a great picture of a cat with a melon on her head. Tell Dora we miss her. We should start planning the Summer Shakepeare reunion soon.
Okay, okay. I'm kicking WAY higher than anyone else. Even my daughter noticed. Chalk it up to "youthful exhuberence". Or something. Something that is definitely the opposite of cool!
I was practicing for the role of Laura in The Glass Menagerie, you know, Blue Roses, gimpy leg, rude gentleman caller...

Ok I was just a spaz.
You were not a spaz (you know, I really don't think that word is used now as much as it was then).

Anyway, in the face of Steve and Jim's costumes, anything the rest of us did would have seemed sophisticated and cool. Man. We were in high school. How is it possible they weren't beaten up in those things?
Cool or not; spazzes or not; that song, and its choreography, was damn fun. I enjoyed "So Long, Farewell" too although I don't remember the exact costumes.

Steve and Jim may have been having too much fun to notice, or care, what anyone else thought. I know I had a ball doing that show.
Me, too. We all did.
Nell, I think we were wearing our curtain costumes? and they were yellow too!
You know, it occurred to me last night that those were our curtain costumes, Ginger. And they were yellow indeed!
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