

Monday coffee break

The drummer is Morgan Agren -- easily one of the best drummers in the known universe. He used to have a tv show where he gave drum lessons. The keyboard player is Mats Öberg, whose playing always makes me smile.

Oh, fwiw, Morgan spends a good portion of his time drumming with death metal bands. This is one of my all time favorite YouTube clips, which I think I posted here before.

Back to the chain gang....

Why does a blind keyboard player need a wrist watch?
Probably to tell TIME. You wear a watch without a bezel. Man, do I have to teach you guys everything?
Yes you do Kim. Yes you do.


Can you please start by explaining the differences between Rhesus Monkeys and Pygmy Marmosets?

Following that, I need a refresher on understanding Consumer Based Brand Equity and defining Brand Elements.

Thanks. Your efforts are appreciated.

Really. Even Joe does.
Just some Disney Imagineer F/X with a drum machine.
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