


The students made me watch this. Talk about payback.
Uh. wow. I'm totally doing the cantina choreography for my next tenure review.

Did she get tenure with this performance piece?

I don't see any soup around.
Wait a minute.....Was this filmed by Robert Altman? It seems like one camera was used to follow the lead character around, which is something he used in several films.

Wasn't she in Boogie Nights?
AUDITION SHEET (Brass Faculty)
--too many high notes
--nice "slippers" but where's the en pointe?
--more hair, more hair!
--repertoire too classical
--note to self: ask if horn can "shoot" soup for laser effect
Listen. At least it's consistent. Playing, dancing, concept, costume, hair - ALL of it is bad. You don't get that kind of commitment in this day and age.
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