

Tabishland: Virtual Manifest Destiny

Eric, I love that shot of you and Cheryl. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for sharing Ian.
You guys look great, and seeing that really makes me wish I was there.
Ahhhh. The leafy greenness of outdoor theatre on a summer's evening.
I be jeolous and full of nachostalgia!

Is that a yearning for old nachos?

Sorry I haven't added more about the weekend. I had a paper due last night that had a higher level of priority.

Of course, that is probably nothing like nachostalgia.
EH, what goes best with the production, a nice crisp Chilean sauvignon blanc or a fruity Beaujolais?
I'm not sure Tabish is an autumn, he seems more of a winter???
Tim, I always opt for the Beaujolais, as long as it's had time to breathe.
Eric, I am surfing my "new" favorite website that Tim introduced and not only did I find "nochostalgia" I found this

tim: Hey i just set up a blog on my website.
joe: What have you written in it?
tim: Oh just some random drivel.
joe: Sounds like the typical blog.
tim: Yeah, but plenty of people will still read it, and that will make me feel special.
joe: That's sad.
tim: I know

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