

A Question

So what is up with TabTwo?

When and where do we meet?

It's still on for June 2nd, right?

Got the hotel reserved, now I gotta get some tix. Anyone else doing the dinner package thing?

Fiddlesticks...when I didn't read more about it on the blog, I figured that it was just too much for everyone to put together. We saved the date for a long time, but now we aren't going to be there. I'm bummed...have a great time, everyone!
Well, OUR problem was that Tim and Kurt Stedje couldn't make that date, so we're going on a different week-end. But I believe the Tabishes are still scheduled for June 2, and it's possible others are going.
What weekend was the general consensus?
I'm the one that complicated things. Short story, long: I'm driving up on Sat., 6/30, expecting to see Kim and Bone in Balmer and then heading back on Sunday. I'm not sure who else is aiming for that w/e. Tabishs were looking at the 6/2 w/e as were some others (EH, Gracie?), which was Ian's original invitation date.

Mostly I want to see Ian in his element.
I will be at the show June 2. I will be there when the gates open at 6:30 and will reserve at least one picnic table for tabfesters. If one or two of you come or many of you come, I'll be pleased to have you.

Same thing goes for June 30.

Kim wrote a piece of music for the show. It's awesome.
Cheryl and I look forward to just getting away from Morgantown for a weekend. We will be at that pic-in-ick table looking forward to other Sendracian revellers.
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