

Just Checking In

It's my Dad's 79th birthday today- He and I will be sharing a cheap bottle of cab while hoping that none of my actors go into an unexpected epileptic fit during the show.

Our local reporter responds well to payola

The Baltimore Sun reporter wasn't really paying attention (or apparently taking notes)

The Three Best Things to Do in Baltimore This Weekend are to run a 5k race, look at a big boat or come see As You Like It- wow, really? All those balmer travel sites must have gotten it wrong!

Sandy Duncan is still perky!

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"an event that's showcasing the best and the brightest Bard-oriented troupes" - - I'm sorry, I can't believe a reporter came up with this phrase. It must have come from your press release, right?

We are sooooo looking forward to this weekend. Cheryl and I really need a mental break away from Morgantown right now, and "As You Like It" provides just the opportunity.

I've heard that Dave and Irene will be attending on Saturday. Who else will be there? I need to warn the spouse about some of yunz...
Ian, WONDERFUL publicity, and you interview really well!! I hope by the time you read this, your opening night was a smash success and you are happy and relaxed. You certainly deserve it.

Eric, I hope you and Cheryl have a great time! I really wish I could be there. Give us all the details and give the Tabishes a smooch for us.
Wish I could be there. Is Sandy Duncan in the show? In other words is that last link a sequitur or a non-sequitur?
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