

The best hour of your life you'll ever waste.

This is a video interview that is frankly the most entertaining thing I've seen in ages. Give it at least 10 minutes - that's when it starts getting really strange. This woman believes she was psychically assaulted by Neil Peart, the drummer for the band Rush for over a year. Peart and the band Rush are apparently government operatives using secret government technology to probe the minds of women. By 45 minutes in, she has linked this to the Kennedy Assassination, the death of John Lennon, government mind control, the CIA, 9/11, Al Quida, and Area 51. A simply stunning tour de force of whack(o). Must be seen to be believed. Grab a beer and some popcorn and prepare to enter a world that barely intersects with the one you and I live in.

I'm about half way through it. I'll probably finish it over the week-end. I always find people interesting, but particularly nutty people. It is compelling to watch her go from a little odd to deeper and deeper levels of irrational thought and paranoia. And if you spend a little time looking at MK Ultra in Wikipedia, you also see how she took something that WAS real and embellished on it and made it something completely different.
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