

I Found Him!

The long missing Joe Pino appeared at the train station in Edison, NJ this morning at 11:21 AM. He was rescued and brought back to this house where he was pestered by dogs for hours on end. He chatted with his new best friend (getting kind of old now, I guess) and was gracious to one and all, husband, children, dogs, fish, and frog. He was forced to have his picture taken for the blog (as well as chastised for not being on the blog) and shared a moment of confusion with his fellow Sendracian because the man taking the picture appeared to be either taking no picture at all or taking pictures of knees. Such is life around here.

He reluctantly left in the afternoon, or at least I'd like to believe he was reluctant, and none of us have been the same since. Come back, Joe! Or, see you in Balmer!!

The wreath is very nice; was it made from items gathered in the forest or was it purchased.

Joe definitely seems to be a summer and you look good as a spring, Kim, though I would have pictured you as an autumn. So there you go, eh?
I *am* an autumn. Ah, to be understand at last.

I got the wreath in Smicksburg, PA, I kid you not.
You guys are looking great. I am hating not getting to Balmer, but the show must go on and all that hooey.

Take lots of pictures, even of knees!
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