

The South celebrates Kim's BD

As Duke and NC State went into overtime on the TV over the bar and-- no shit-- Nouvelle Vague's "Dance with me" played in the background, we met at the pig on the roof at a renowned Chapel Hill eatery to recognize the day of birth of Kim and my father.

Tabish even wrote a little sonnet to commemorate the event:

Don't throw a hissy or act like a sissy
'Cause our Sendrac missy
Get's our hugs and kissy
It's her special day
When she's a pr...pr...pr...princess
Happy 24th, Kimmy!!!

Well, *blush*, I'm honored. And a sonnet from the Great Man himself! Thanks, T and company. :-)
Internet maven that he is, Tabish told that if "you click on the underlined words in the blog, it will take you to other sites on the internet". Apparently a capability he just invented or discovered or something.

Given the absolute weirdness of hearing the obscure Tabishland fave Novelle Vague sing "Dance with Me" as we dined and Irene's francophile sensibilities, I'm hoping Ian can do his Youtube thing and repost that link on the blog for their enjoyment. It'll be better than using the HBD song for Kim.

The Ts are building their summer around Tab-deux, unless he gets cast in the new Chuck Norris flick.
A little late, but happy birthday kim. The sonnet is not actually mine -- well, nor is it a sonnet, but we love tim anyway!!!!!!
i finally see pictures of the great visit....mom asked me if i "hit the blog, you know jane Tabishland," I said no hip momma, but finally did.....yeah irene and dave....hope dinner was delicious!
happy birthday kim!
xo, jane
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