

"Online Guide to Offbeat Tourist Attractions"

This website is a hoot, and at the bottom of this page and on the next is Indiana. I love the "reassuring" signs.

...and the Hopwood mini-golf in a cave is only 15 minutes from the L-W Southern estate! When I get to the Summit, I'm almost home!

"What a country!" (That line is a tribute to Gene!)
Next time I go to Indiana, I am going to rub the non-fiber-glass Jimmy for good luck. And see, I ain't that bad Kim, I refrained from 'you know what I mean'
That is one nutty site. I learned more there in a few minutes than I did on many Hansmann Family sojourns around the eastern seaboard. Glen Goode's Big People are kinda scary.

Check out the Mystery Hole attraction in West Virginia! (If you know what I mean...)
I heart E-Mann. I have actually been in the Mystery Hole, more than once. Back in College we discovered it driving from Ohio to NC. I used to have a bumper sticker on my Champ that said "I(heart)The Mystery Hole!"

By the way, where R U Nell?
Maybe Nell is still digging out her driveway from the last snow.

We are getting 4 to 8 inches of it today in Morgantown. YeeHaw.
Whew! I fell down that darned Mystery Hole and it's taken this long to climb out. You can call off the search party, Bin; thanks for noticing.

BTW, Don and Sean dug us out. We got about 5", all fluffy and VERY cold! I dislike winter intensely, esp. in MARCH!
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