

Something Happy

I dare you to sit still while you watch.

I dare ANYONE to try to frown while you watch and listen to this!

Thanks, Nell...you made my day!!!! : )
I liked the awesome / floss 'em
double rhyme. Good stuff. Bye--gotta brush.
Jeff 'double rhymes' if ya know what I mean...
Double rhyming's
Not two-timing
So what does Ginger mean?

What she's thinking
(while she's drinking?)
I really cannot glean.
Joe!!!! Help me! Help me! I want to post, but this new Google stuff has blocked me out! What do I do?????
OK...since I can't seem to post, I'm going to write my message here!!!!

GO SEE OLIVER! IF YOU ARE IN INDIANA THIS WEEKEND!!!! The show is amazing!!!!!! I had never seen the show before, so it was totally fresh and new for me, and I was completely knocked out! My new favorite song in a musical is "It's Your Funeral!" It was so Goth-a-licious!!!!! I am so ready to paint my fingernails black!!!! (Did I tell you that I played cello in a Goth wedding one time...they wanted the Darth Vader theme played when they walked down the aisle!)

The acting is great, the sets are great, the dancing and singing are great, the pit is great, the lights are great, and the direction is great!!!!!

This show is such a refreshing change from the schmaltzy love-themed musicals. I don't even GO to musicals anymore if I can avoid them!!!!! I can't believe that it has taken me so long to finally see this one!
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