


Thought you all might be interested to know that the 2007 musical happens this weekend at IHS. They're doing Oliver on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Gretchen Kunst Barbor is directing.

Wrong wrong wrong. How can anyone do a high school musical in March? It's just plain wrong! The actors will miss the following performance enhancers:

1. Prom Drama
2. Graduation Drama
3. The thrill of sort of skipping a class during your last month of school to screw around in the stage crew lounge. (But they probably don't even have a stage crew lounge anymore, do they?
4. There is no number 4
5. Did I mention prom drama?

There's nothing quite like doing the high school musical during the final month of school so that all of the teenage angst of that end of the year/school experience can meld with the intense teenage backstage drama forming one huge flaming ball of adolescent mania that results in, 29 years later, medical and academic professionals across the country recalling vintage haircuts and riffing on gummy bears.

Just think what they’re missing! “Can I have some more?” Indeed!
I agree. All three years of high school, I had terrible prom experiences. The musicals saved me. March: not right.
I think in part it's because many of the high schools in W PA compete for all sorts of high school musical awards. (Big in the 'burgh.)

They re-instated stage crew last Spring.

Yeah, it's not NEARLY as dramatic as when we performed in May. But still fun from what Em tells me--she's a proud member of the chorus.
She said "doing Oliver". Heh heh heh.

Gretchen Kunst is doing Oliver, if you know what I mean.
Ya gotta love the noogerator. Well, maybe Julianne doesn't at this moment.
Love ya, Noogerator!!!!...if you know what I mean...
Ian might I add
6. Liza Blair in a tube top
7. Kim, Sherry, Gretchen and I smoking cigs behind the school in our private parking lot
8. Eating wild onions that grew by the bandroom, prepping for the big kiss
9. Tim's private rating system in the back hall.
10. Ian everywhere
11. Sneaking back to musical practice after skipping 8th period band.
12. and of course Tabish and Pescini welcoming us with open arms asking where their Dairy Queen was
13. Ian's edgy "Cabinet of Dr Caligari"-inspired design for the cockney street scenes
14. the brown jello beer with hardened soap for suds
15. Hansmann in a musical
16. the yellow couch
17. insuring the wrist corsage matched the dress
18. the "Dazed and Confused" existentialism of those final days
Oh, and Lisa Blair in a tube top.
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