

can I get a witness?

Do you remember Rush in the late 1970s-early 1980s? I've been reading something that aims to explain--musically, lyrically, visually--how this band spoke to millions of white suburban middle-class listeners in the last quarter of the 20th century, give or take a few years.

I don't remember having any reaction at the time but would like to hear Tabishlanders' memories or reactions to put this reading in some more personal context.

I know someone out there is thinking: "Oliver? Rush? What's next? Barry Manilow?" But I have no concerns that the blog will turn middlebrow anytime soon.

I never did care much for Rush, but I think Masters (now Misters) Pino and Salerno were fans. They may have even seen them live.

Anyone know how to make old freezer burned meat not taste like old freezer burned meat?
I was indifferent at the time. Like Genesis and Yes and Pink Floyd it seemed like I should have like them more, but I didn't. The nasal vocals didn't work for me.

Hoever, a few years ago I realized what an unbelievable drummer Neil Peart was.

"Sweet", now there was a band. "Love is like Oxygen", "Fox on the Run". Put one of your grad students on that.
Looks like this theory is failing the Jimmy Stewart whitebread test.
Ian, here is your answer NO. Just cut off the burned parts... http://www.cookingforengineers.com/article.php forward=http://www.cookingforengineers.com/2004/09/freezing-meats.html
So Jeff, are you also going to postulate that Arcade Fire is the next generation Rush?

Not much of a Rush fan back in the day.
This reaction of the IHS cognoscenti tells me there may be a difference between white-middle-class-suburban Americans and their Canadian counterparts, something with which my Torontonian wife--who grew up where Rush was "local" and saw them live with an audience including maybe a dozen other young women and about 10,000 guys--would agree.
Jeff, Rush was not even on the radar of this white(bread), suburban(?), middle-class girl in high school, and very little in college.

Ginger, "Cooking for Engineers"?! You never cease to amaze me! You go girl!

Ian, I throw old freezer burned meat out and try something else.
Arcade Fire is Canadian, eh?

Out of the little Merge label in nearby Durham NC, so they've been in the local news alot.

The next U2, Bruce Springsteen? I'll let EH nad JM debate that. Probably not the next Sweet, however.
I listened to Rush. Spent fifteen years denying it to anyone who accused me of that crime. Then recently realized that the bottom line is that they are three really amazing musicians. I'm not a fanatic, but i do own some of their albums. I might be able to wax on about them. What did you have in mind Prof. Magee?
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