

Karl's New Best Friend

Karl recently found out about this web musician, a man who is bypassing the record industry and becoming well known just by selling (and in some cases, giving away) songs over the internet. Jonathan Coulton. He's very talented - and he does everything himself, writing, recording, instrumentation. Karl loves the humor and quirkiness (go to the web site and listen to Code Monkey), and sometimes sentiment of the songs, I like the actual music very much. The modulations in this song are just great. Some of the songs are pretty inappropriate, too, which thrills my 13 year old. Everyone wins. Ten points to anyone who knows who Soterios Johnson actually is.

Like any good yuppie: "heard it on NPR" (Weekend Edition, I think)
Good boy.
Tim good to see you're still expert at getting available bonus points.
Nell, you're scaring him.
(Sound of me laughing)...
As if I could!
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