

Question 9

Here's one of Zobmondo's "Would You Rather?" questions. It seems apropos given all the time we spend talking about aging.

Here goes:
"Would you rather be able to live 400 years but be physically aged at 70 for the last 330 years or live 150 years but look and feel reasonably young throughout?"

Grace, you can retire whenever your heart desires.
My grandma was doing great at 102. I am planning to make it to at least that!

After watching my permanently bedridden mother-in-law in the hospital for the past two and a half weeks, I have renewed my commitment to treat my body and mind as well as possible in order to live fully and abundantly. I have no fear of the after-life, I just want to live my earth-life as richly as I can!
"Live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse." I don't remember where I heard it, I think it was National Lampoon in the 70's or 80's. It stuck with me, even though I am waaaaay more sensible with health issues now. Still, quality is more important than quantity of just about anything.
I've heard it attributed to both James Dean and John Belushi.
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