

Questions 6 & 7

Let's see how we do with these:

What is the one technological advancement (other than your computer or cell phone), unavailable to us as kids, that you could not do without today?

What are some non-tech--or "low tech"--items you find indispensible?

I forgot my responses.

High tech: my MP3. It is seriously my lifeline at times.

Low tech: Hmmm. Velcro makes life easier. Liquid antibacterial handsoap is a good one if it's low-tech enough.
high tech: CD Player and CDs

Low tech: this lamp
High-- internet shopping

Lo -- graph paper, binder clips, garlic press, Eric's lamp.
H: ligasure plasma surgical electrocautery

L: grass, the sky, love, my little pony
I KNEW you'd have some fab high-tech surgical tool Tim. You didn't disappoint me.

And what is your little pony's name?
My Micro-wave oven is that low or high tech?

I used to have an Easy-Bake oven, which was baking cakes over a light bulb.

Anyone remember Incredible Edibles? We cooked bugs out of gummy stuff??
H: Portable (though 80 Lb) keyboard with sound modulator that can make the keyboard sound like just about anything, and several things at once. It's amazing what that thing can do. I also like my ligasure plasma surgical electrocautery, but it's really not first on my list.

L: The only thing that comes to mind for some reason is hot water. I've only been without it a few times and I didn't like it.
Gotta have my CD player and CDs at school. I didn't have them when I started teaching.

There is nothing quite as wonderful as a campfire...and a really great acoustic guitar.
High tech: My mond controlling robot-dog

low tech: my digestive system
Yeah. I think a digestive system is pretty low tech. BUT, I also agree it's indispensible.
Gracie, Rossini's Il Viaggio a Reims was amazing- a revelation- opera singers who could act and were funny!!!

A really adventuresome production where the sublime music would sneak up on you. A real treat. I loved the hell out of it.

Thanks for asking.
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