


I was thinking last night (something I do on occasion when the kids aren't around) about different either/or situations. One of my thoughts was another "which would you rather" question, this time my own creation. And it is: If you had your choice, would you rather relive any day of your life thus far, or would you rather live to be 150 years old with no health issues? If you're reliving any day, which would it be/why?

I thought this was a pretty obvious one - live to 150 - but Karl offered an alternative. "I'd go back to relive a day in the past when I had a lot of money, and I'd invest all of it in stocks I now know would pay off. Then I'd buy as much good health as I can for as long as I can."

I'd like to live to 150. My parents traded in all their timeshares into one big one with 300 weeks that they wanted to leave to us kids. Problem is, you can only use up to 6 weeks a year. So I feel obligated to live at least 50 more years. Living to 150 would give me a safety margin.
Aren't those timeshares neat? I thought they were a scam when they first came out in the 70s, but Richard has one and we've really enjoyed trading it in to go to lovely resorts!
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