

The Tabishland Project

I had this idea last summer, when so many of us were traveling. What if we made up flags, I thought, that said, "Tabishland," and took pictures of them next to landmarks that represented the places we were in, and then posted the pictures on the blog? Even better, what if, when possible, we left the flags in place and created a little buzz in the world? I mean, we're pretty egocentric, right? Don't we want people to be talking about us and looking us up on the internet?

Well, like so many of my summer ambitions, I never got the little flags made. But when Nell and I went to New York, we stopped in the UPS store, bought 5 sheets of paper, tape, and borrowed the clerk's magic marker (a little too light, it turns out), and got to work.

It was exactly the sort of stupid dopey fun we used to have in high school. You should have SEEN the way people were looking at us. And then at the signs! We left the one in Rockefeller Center (below) and on the "Statue of Liberty." I'm half tempted to ask my brother, who lives in the city, to see if they're still there, but then I'd have to admit that I left them there in the first place.

So now we challenge you to take Tabishland with you on your travels in a sort of Sherwin-Williams cover-the-earth kind of thing. Who knows where this will lead...
You girls are the Thelma and Louise of Tabishland.
Love it!
I've always thought of Thelma and Louise as the Nell and Kim of "Thelma and Louise."
Officer Pupp, is this the kind of jail you had in mind?
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