


The "notable alumni" section fails to make mention of any of the famous dancing EMTs, dog-friendly rock and roll frontgirls, or theater directors out of IAHS. What's up? And what about the world's most overlooked supergroup, Just Hit Pause? Can somebody please edit this.

I love you guys!
For heaven's sake! I'm trying to get internet famous as Kim Andersen and/or Kimberly Andersen too. Can you add those please?
Fixed Dame Kim.
I liked your first version better.
Hey Joe, in that Just Hit Pause biography, shouldn't the band reference to Rocket from the Crypt actually be a reference to the late 70's Cleveland band Rocket From the Tombs?

Rocket From the Tombs is the band that sprouted Pere Ubu and the Dead Boys. While Rocket From the Crypt is a (Texan?) rootsy/punky band that formed in the mid-1990's.

Just Hit Pause was a late 70's phenomenon, correct?
I believe this was the other Rocket From the Crypt - The ones from Akron in the mid 1970s. The posers from TX are currently involved in a law suit with the Akron guys over the name. It's become more complex because the Rocket From The Tomb guys are suing both bands for trademark infringement - although at the time when the original RFTC guys were playing they didn't give a shit because the band was really lousy and RFTT was splitting up anyway.

The litigious and greedy leanings of the people really makes me mad. If I was still alive, I'd be kicking a lot of asses.
What Lester said. And please don't kick my ass Les.
Because the two movies were made at about the same time, I always get Lester Bangs (portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman) from Almost Famous confused with the creepy part Philp Seymour Hoffman played in (I think one of the creepiest movie of all time)Todd Solondz's Happiness.
Thenk you, monarch.
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