

Princeton Pro Musica's Messiah Auction - 1 Day Left!

This is my chorus' auction to conduct the Hallelujah Chorus, ending tomorrow. We're up to $1,150 as I post this. Prizes for the person who can spot little tiny me in the picture.

Congrats Kim on the great auction! Looks like Larryd really wants it.

I can spot you, but you told me which little person you are, so I don't count.
Are you the one in elegant royal blue? This is process-of-elimination guessing here.
I know one of them is with the chorus, I don't know who the others are. I listened to our recording of our 2003 concert and honestly considered bidding myself. The tympanies alone would be worth it.

Alas, Jeff, I'm not one of the soloists, I'm in the chorus, back row, to the right of the conductor's right hand. Almost like she could reach out and smack me. !!
Okay, I see.

But, please: Kim in the back row of the chorus? This does not compute. I'm not talking ego, here, I'm talking talent.

What's presbyopia? I'm always learning new things on the blog, which is reason alone for its continuation.
presbyopia- a disorder of the cornia, making one unable to clearly view Presbyterians.
(and now let's hear it for Powder Milk Biscuits- over to Jay and the boys.)

Heavens they're tasty!
Jeff - this is going to sound *really* egotisical, but you did ask: she puts the professionals where the others can hear them. Also, our voices are a little strong for the front row. And oh yeah - I am tall!
Never mind. I'm convinced: Kim's voice is just the sound of her ego channeled into socio-musical utility.

Thanks for the definition, Ian. I was wondering why I only have eyes for Baptists.
A guy in the chourus - who originally said he hoped to only bid about 800. The magic and persuasiveness of eBay.

About 25 press releases were sent out, but I don't know how many were picked up. It was pretty last minute - my conductor mentioned the whole idea just before Thanksgiving.


It's probably programmed to not produce actual words.
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