

A Modest Proposal

Shall we try to gather next year for Ian's Shakestravaganza (see title link). And/or Meredith is also trying to get back to the National Dressage Championship in Devon PA next fall, if anyone would like to meet in Philly.

If you guys want to make an event out of it, one of our "specialities" during the summer is our Family performances on Sunday which are big fun and very welcoming to families. Of course, I'll do what I can to set up a nice party at the site the day of whatever show it is.

The outdoor part of it can be a lot of fun and (for my small company anyway) our inclusion in the festival is very exciting.

I'll provide crabs and beer (or for Kim - mock goose and orangina)
Can we mock and goose Kim?
Any chance you'll be doing the seldom done (but family friendly) Timon and Pumba of Athens?
Roy- I'm afraid not, but we were thinking of staging Shakespeare's recently uncovered "Two New Noble Kinsmen II: Getting Down to Business"

Joe- done and done.
Ooooo. 2NNK2! I'm so there. Are you still planning on doing Comedy of Errors with everyone as conjoined twins?
The only Comedy of Errors I'll ever do is the one with the severed heads- lots and lots of severed heads.

Shit, did I say "severed heads"? I meant "plucky heroines."

(I mustn't wreite severed heads in so many of my postings, people will begin to suspect.

You guys can't read stuff when I put it italics, right?
No you dork we can't read the things in f*****g italics.

Is there juggling in the severed head production? I would come if there was juggling. And if everyone wore pointy shoes and pumpkin pants.
I'd come if there was plucky heroin.
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