

Don't forget to vote

This is a follow-up to Nell's comment about how kids look like their parents...

Yeah, but doesn't Junior ALSO look like "Donald" on "that Girl"? Who's with me on this? This has to mean something.
Yes, you're right, Kim. And if only he were an actor rather than playing a president on TV.
Oh look, Karl Rove just found Osama in his basement rec room. Guess he came over for the Halloween party to play dunking for apples and fell asleep in the freezer. Somebody tell Fox News.
He DOES look like Donald!!!!!

I wonder what they're looking at.
Awwwww. How cute. They have the same vacant clueless look.
"Diamonds, daisies, snowflakes, That Girl". Everyone sing along.
Dubya also looks a bit like Don Adams of "Get Smart".

I can hear it now..."We missed Osama by _that much_"
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