

Where I Went Wrong

Instead of playing paper triangle football with Jim Duncan, I should have been paying attention to the movies in health class. I always thought it was the Manos Theater, The Omni Disco and Convention Center or nix. Oh the opportunities I wasted!

I'm not sure what's stranger, that life might have been like that, that people thought life might have been like that, that for some of those "actors" this was the epitome of their career and the ones who are still alive probably live in trailer parks in the San Fernando valley or that they spend some much time planning a date to a weenie roast....
First of all- yeah, I think a whole bunch of people thought life was like that and then when it wasn't- made them feel bad. Did I say "a whole bunch of people?" I meant to say a friend of mine- yeah a friend.

secondly- the San Fernando Valley is (or maybe used to be- I don't really keep up on such things) is the center of the world's porn industry. So, you may not be far off.
Also, I think people thought life COULD be like that and used that feeling as a kind of anesthetic for what life really was like.
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