

HS is never really over

We're not the only ones working through lingering issues.

Hmmmm. Let's hope EJ never needs foot surgery in the midwest anytime soon. That whole "Most Dramatical" thing could be turned around after all.
Joe was right to suggest we not revisit the SENDRACs web of pubertal romance.
When ever I come up against someone that I'm dealing with that I'm having a hard time understanding their position, I usually think of what they must have been like in High School. It almost always clarifies something for me.

I think Barack Obama almost has it right when he says the contests betwteen Clinton/Gingrich, Gore/Bush and Kerry/Bush are just continued from an argument in the dorm from circa 1967. Think of these guys (and other politicians too) as High School students- and, to me, they make a lot more sense.

I always think of Clinton as Ferris Bueller.
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