

Found item #6

Discovered another cache of Sr and Jr High newspapers recently. Can't explain why we saved this stuff. Anyway, some marginally interesting items follow....

The Brody's ad is great- 1978 fashions with 1950's illustrations. This is the kind of stuff that makes me feel the oldest- ads from newspapers that look like they were from someone else's life.
This was our life, Honey. And I think the ads somewhat resemble late 70's fashions. Now we know that "The Cubbyhole" was the name of that place in Brody's.
I actually made the first comment- must have hit anonymous by msitake
I was thinking of Rugby shirts the other day. Remember that fashion trend? The orange and blue striped shirt with knit collars?
Did you read the copy? "She freaks.", She (sic) smart."

Gotta go. Gonna buy a dirt bike with knobbies at Evergreens.
Anybody make the Journey or IC House Rockers show that summer?
No but Chip and I went to the Supertramp show.
"1978 fashions with 1950's illustrations" ...that pins it exactly. Thanx. Couldn't figure out quite what was wrong with it.
I guess it is assumed these are Pittsburgh shows. I like that one listing - - - A.C.D.C. HA!
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