If you can't tell the players without a score card, this episode is for you to print out or bookmark. Not everyone in Tabishland has been seen in the first 6 episodes, so don't fret if you're not represented yet. You will be. Unless I get fired for doing this and not teaching my classes.
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Are those my arm stubs or listing boobs there? I like the surgically implanted eyelashes.
You should teach cartooning if you get fired from your day gig.
You should teach cartooning if you get fired from your day gig.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I didn't draw any of these. They are the stock images in the StripGenerator site. I just click and drag. You can too. If you click on the "StripGenerator" title on the right above the cartoons it will take you through the steps to get a strip published on their site. It takes a few minutes to figure out, esp since it appears to be native Slovak text translated to English, but it's pretty intuitive.
I'm sure you'll be working in other folks to keep the strip FRESH. I'll quickly return to Brenda Starr unless we can gawk and frolic to the adventures of the G/Je(o)ffs, Bone and perhaps Noke and Boz as a Cool, Greek chorus. Gene might have appreciated an occasional drop by, too.
Well, I tried. Here's Tim's 'stache on steroids and others.
Oops - here I tried to clickify it:
Are we referring to the urologic appearance of my character and/or my name or the clever, subtle clock joke?
10th graders ain't be dissin' seniors or Tabish'll hear about it.
10th graders ain't be dissin' seniors or Tabish'll hear about it.
Uro wah?? Huh? Wait a minute...
That provoacative imagery (Thanks! Kim) is courtesy of jdpino.
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That provoacative imagery (Thanks! Kim) is courtesy of jdpino.
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