

"The summer of celebrity deaths?" (cf. June 26)

From the NYTimes following the passing of Mary Travers and Henry Gibson.

Jim Carroll also passed on this week. I received the September issue of PASTE the other day and just got around to reading it. Andy Whitman happened to publish an essay on Jim Carroll in that issue. Here it is on line.
I'm wondering if more have passed away, or, as the article suggests, it's just that baby-boomers are reading the obituary pages more regularly. Maybe both.
I was thinking last week how I/we have entered that phase of life where we actually KNOW a lot of the people in the obits. Seems like I'm not alone in that thought. I enjoyed reading both the articles. Thanks guys!
I think it's also a slow news day thing. So the deaths are getting a lot more coverage. I mean the NY Times emailed me a "news alert" that "Irving Kristol, Godfather of Neoconservatism, Is Dead at 89"

I mean, I'm sorry for his passing and everything, but was that really a news ALERT?
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