Milo? Meet Louis
High "Awww" Factor. If you're feeling particularly cynical, skip this one. But it is a pretty neat meld of movie and music.
Tech Update
I keep hearing about increased cell phone applications; here is another--real time traffic. Tim, you may have already heard this report.
Oh, and BTW, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen? is my cousin.
Oh, and BTW, Lisa Alvarez-Cohen? is my cousin.
What's important is all relative...
"Dear Barack Obama,
Something happened to me - I went out to lunch at Starbucks and I wanted to
buy a cup of whipped cream. And normally it's 43 cents but now it's 74
cents! The priced raised 31 cents for no reason! So you should probably try
to change things like that from happening. You should probably keep an eye
out for things like that.
I wish you good luck.
P.S. I love whipped cream.
Something happened to me - I went out to lunch at Starbucks and I wanted to
buy a cup of whipped cream. And normally it's 43 cents but now it's 74
cents! The priced raised 31 cents for no reason! So you should probably try
to change things like that from happening. You should probably keep an eye
out for things like that.
I wish you good luck.
P.S. I love whipped cream.
Inauguration Day via Satellite
Go Steelers!
Mr. Fun Meet Dr. Fish
Live Fish Pedicure
Pedicure water has always been suspect to me. Before I slip my feet into the tepid bubbles, I can’t help but wonder if anyone else’s planter’s wart-dotted feet previously soaked in my suds. Yes, rumors of infection-harvesting cuticle tools have tainted my perspective on pedicures. This treatment gives new meaning to fishy water. Fish spas feature a “Fish Reflexology” treatment in which small tropical Farra Rufa fish (also known as doctor fish, nibble fish and turkey fish), about 100 of them, swim within the pedicure bowl, eagerly awaiting the arrival of fresh, calloused feet to nibble on. Some people swear the sensation feels like “kisses on the skin,” as the fish go to work eating off dead skin cells until your feet are smooth and healthy. Apparently the little guys help release foot fatigue, increase blood pressure and even cure Psoriasis. Me? I prefer a rolling massage ball on the bottom of my pedicure bowl. Fish, I like raw and on my plate atop rice, with a dash of wasabi and soy sauce, maybe some ginger on the side to clear the palate. But if you find pleasure in “fish kisses,” fine. It’s probably the best of the worst. There are much worse treatments that we are about to explore. by Bonny Osterhage
Sea Kittens
A new low in retarded, ill-conceived crusades. This made realize I hadn't had Sea Kitten Sticks in a long time, so I went to the store and bought some.
Shouldn't these people be throwing paint at fur-wearing celebs?
Shouldn't these people be throwing paint at fur-wearing celebs?
Bringin' It Into Focus
I'm enjoying Marc's sense of humor and his simplicity. Check him out on Flickr as well.
Many of these drawings remind me of some T-land inhabitants.
Today, I'm happy that I passed my Scuba test! And no, the irony is not lost on me.
Many of these drawings remind me of some T-land inhabitants.
Today, I'm happy that I passed my Scuba test! And no, the irony is not lost on me.
Barack Roll
give it about 15 seconds...it gets much better when the "singing" starts.
rickrolling in Tabishland
A capsule history of the musical non sequitur in "the year in song" for the over-30 folks, like me, who still "read" a "newspaper" but don't have a teenager around to tell them what's really going on. This certainly gives me ideas for livening up lectures. And there are all kinds of possibilities for the Chesapeake Cyrano production here, I think. Could also make surgery more interesting.