


Back when it was cool to be a lefty-hippie-burnout-cuz-it-can-get-you-laid kind of fairweather Dem.

Al is within 300 votes.
Man...where did you get this picture? You're GOOD.
His political transformation was very, very strange. I still get the sense that he's like in the debate club and has been assigned a position to argue and defend rather than having any real political philosophy.
you could blow the roof off the MN election with a People mag revelation: Coleman childhood friend:
"I had to inject intracardiac epinephrine after he OD'ed on smack".

Franken would probably play Falstaff for you for free.
oh oh and you could play Misirlou under IG's voiceover on his TV smear ad while the injection scene is reinacted by Hilary Swank as Coleman and uh uh young Ian??? oh yeah,Rupert Grant!
Swank as Coleman. Brilliant.
Sorry for the typo
Rupert Grint will be playing the role of young Ian.
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