

Holiday Concert Season

Just stopping in to say Hi!

How's the concert season going? I have my Eisenhower concert today, then I'm off to Fredericksburg,VA to sing the soprano solos for two presentations of Messiah this weekend.

Amazingly enough, I am now the choral/vocal coach for the IHS spring production of The Wizard of Oz, with Gretchen Kunst Barbor directing.

Hope everybody is well and having a wonderful holiday!

Good luck w/ your concert and your Messiah performances, Julianne.

I'm excited for "TWOO"--you have a great group of kids to work with! (Of course, I've known many of them for what seems like forever, so I'm biased.)

As a proud mom, I can report that the high school concert was wonderful, as usual
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Hey, Julianne! Nice to hear from you. Congratulations on the high school gig (funny, you don't look like Mr. Pollock), that should be a blast. Good luck on the Messiah, too.

We (Pro Musica) had our Messiah at the Trenton War Memorial last week-end. I'm gearing up for singing in two services on Christmas Eve and then I'm off for a bit...the band is on sabbatical. That's my concert report.

Have a great Christmas!
Your next musical?
I've actually seen King Mackerel. haven't thought of it in years and years. I worked on another musical the Ramblers wrote music for too. Nice guys.
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