

Twenty-one days Late (Sorry Joe)

So, just what is the significance of this West Virginian? I know it has something to do with Joe Pino, but I can't recall.
I thought it tied in nicely with the previous post because it's SOUPY Sales!
Kim - If the sacred day of soup feasting were 21 days ago, this would make sense.
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maybe I'm pushing it too far but I believe mr G. is playing on "soup" AND the fact that the Beatles and Soupy Sales appeared on Ed Sullivan on the same night in Sept 64. very famous as the last live tv appearance of the beatles. I can't remember the exact day of that appearance, though the 6th sounds right to me.

But I could be way off base. Maybe that was the night Sheb Wooley and Schecky Green hosed Soupy Sales down with tartar sauce, drawing the ire of Mr. Sullivan.
I think the last appearance of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan was Sept. 12, 1965 so maybe it is the tartar sauce incident.

The speculation is fun.
I think Soupy was the gunman on the grassy knoll.
Can anyone answer my question on "rap sessions" in the previous post? Did anyone see it? Do we ONLY read the top post now? I need to know if the rules change.

And....I never said it made SENSE, Eric. Very little here makes SENSE.
Okay, Kim, sorry. I read your comment. I have no memory of those rap sessions whatsoever. Administration probably thought I was too quiet (at the time) to be included. Pure speculation on my part of course, but still.

The idea of rap sessions makes sense, but I can't imagine them being that productive--then or now. Again, speculation on my part. What kid wants to lay bare his or her inner-most thoughts in front of faculty or administrators?

Although I will say that one of my kids went with a few friends to their guidance counselor to discuss the problems another person was creating. It did help.

Oh. And are there rules here?
The groups were just kids, I think, with maybe one teacher. It was sort of contrived but interesting, if I remember correctly.

But you know, there was a lot of peace, love and understanding in the seventies and I remember always being told, "you can go to a teacher" if you have a problem. So once in 9th grade, a friend and I went to a teacher with a baaaad problem she was having at home, and the teacher was no bloody help at all. Very disillusioning.
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