

Three Days Late (sorry Hansmann)

Thanks for that I-Man.

I just polished off a bowl of steaming hot cream of chicken with wild rice soup at a Panera in Monaca, Penna. I'm on the road covering some college fairs in the greater Pgh area. That's the third bowl of soup for me in the last few days. Ahhh, it is good to eat soup again!
I used to have cousins in Monaca and now there's a girl at the pharmacy from there--Center High.

And Eric, two of Em's best-est friends are considering WVU. One of them has a relative (SIL I think) who works there, possibly in admissions.
I'm sorry to report that WVU has not yet shown up on Em's radar. I think it could be too close for her.
WVU is probably too far for us! You know I've never been good at letting go.

Re soup, I thought of you, Eric, as I made Lentil soup the other day but I think in retrospect I may have been making it illegally early. Oops!
Kim, we have many many students here from the Garden State and the metro-NYC region. Our last few freshman classes have been evenly split beteen in-state and out-of-state students.

And then you can compare the WVU costs to the Rutgers costs....
I sent Nell a lengthy email with many informative WVU links to assist Emily and her friends with the college admission process.

If anyone needs details on WVU academic programs, admissions processes, or campus opportunities, please drop me an email. It can be a little jarring re-entering the college admissions process after a 20 to 30 year dormant period. Many colleges have similar processes and needs, so my recommendations can offer a good start in the process for your student.

And while I may have a soup fetish, I was not a Mime Club member.

If you need some guidance, my email is: EWHansmann@mail.wvu.edu
Do kids in college still "hang out" until 3 am in the dorm hallway, eating soup and "rapping" about whetehr God exists, "man"?

And why the hell is there cilantro on that soup, Ian?
Didn't the school used to have "rap sessions" in 7th or 8th grade? Only I think they were called something even cornier than rap sessions. They'd get groups of kids together during school hours to talk about their problems....I guess it was supposed to be supportive. Does anyone remember this?
When you say "rap session" do you mean "group therapy"?

'cause I remember that. What with Mr. Carlin always complaining about his wife and... oh wait, I'm confusing my life with the Bob Newhart Show.

A timeless classic. In fact, the very last episode of the second Newhart show had Bob and Emily waking up in the morning and the entire second series was just a dream Bob had. Trippy.
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