

An Actual Question!

Tim's post below about blog traffic reminds me that we can actually blog here on the blog. That is, we can write about things instead of just posting things for our amusement - although we could all certainly use amusement.

So. Today is the first day of school for my kids and thus the end of summer. Summer has already been officially over for a week for most of the rest of you.

What did you like about this summer? Are there any events that particularly stick out in your mind? What do you wish you had done more of?

Kim, Kim, Kim.....summer is officially over on September 21. After that day, you can have soup again for meals. This is a day of great anticipation for those who enjoy a good cup or bowl of soup for a meal. And maybe even with a fresh mini-bagette, never a whole bagette, unless of course there are two having soup and you can share the bagette.

....Mmmmm....steaming....hot....soup....Only AFTER September 21 mind you. Not before, unless it's Gazpacho, BUT THAT'S IT!

Having soup for a meal in the summer is like having pancakes for dinner, or wearing your white shoes after Labor Day. It's just not proper! Nations have fallen because of this. Just look at that mess in Iraq. You know Saddam had a bowl of tomato soup just before we invaded. Some say it was a lobster bisque, but I know better!!! The CIA hasn't released that little detail yet. But they will, oh yes they will....
Eric, thank you for this. I knew someone had a soup date and I was trying to remember who, and when the date is.

I may have to break your rule though. All my kids have colds and so does everyone at work. It could be chicken soup time. It's getting cooler here, too. The thought of a mini baguette is almost too enticing.

FYI-I share your love of Gazpacho and make it as much as I can in the Summer.
thanks E. I needed a reminder about the start of the soup season. I was just thinking about making lentel soup this afternoon. I'll wait until next week. Phew.
Mmmm-Lentil soup
People!! There was an actual question there! Work with me!!
Do you guys hear someone talking?
Well, OKAY. I'LL answer the damned questions. I had a great summer with lots of traveling and visiting and especially seeing my dear friends. The moment that sticks out most in my mind was being outside Baltimore late on a Saturday night in a diner with Ian, Nell, Jane, Tim, Kurt, and of course, Dora. We were laughing and whopping it up for no other particular reason than just being together. I hope we can do that again next summer, with more of you there.

What I did not have enough of was just relaxing. All the running around (5 trips in 2 months) felt very hectic. So I hope I can reclaim some down time next year.
Plus, I think I'll plan on eating more soup.
I agree. The diner in Baltimore late on that Saturday night was a perfect moment.

Not enough relaxing--Amen, Sister! Too much running around.

I'm focusing on "small moments". You know the ones. Those seemingly insignificant ones--sitting on the swing with a friend, watching a frog jump in the grass, listening to hummingbirds--that keep us all grounded.
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