

Oh What a Mistake I Made

Sorry I've been gone. I had one of those life lessons.

It seemed like a good idea at the time- sell all my belongings and join a traveling clog dance group (did I say group? More like cult!).

I mean, who hasn't, from time to time, fantasized about cloggin' morning, noon and night? Well, I did it- I gave up everything to pursue my clog dancing dreams and what a mistake. Not only does it turn out that clog dancers have extremely poor personal hygiene, but they drink. Boy do they drink! We never once gave a performance where someone wasn't fall-down drunk. Also, they have a real mean streak and they're the most promiscuous lot I've ever come across.

Anyway, I made my escape in the middle of the night while staying at a Super 8 in Hutchinson, Kansas. I hitched back to Maryland and begged for my old job back. (It turns out they didn't even know I was missing!)

Hey, what's up Tabishland?

A cult! Well that explains it! You know, a lot of those Tammies I used to know got into clogging and I won't even tell you how that turned out.

Good to have you back Ian.

It is I-an, right?, not E-an?
Ian, Ian -- always the renegade. When will you just settle down?

We've all been fine, thanks. Missed you.
Been shag dancing at the NC coast.
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