

A Little Pop Quiz

to start your morning off. Matching. Don't worry, it's easy. Kim, you'll get 100!

That was fun. Of course Kim will get 100, she's IN half of them.
Isadora discovered Annie a couple of months ago- so I know every word to every song in Annie- but that's all.

I remember meeting this high school kid in the the swigning seventies who shaved his head because he was playing the part of the king in The King and I so he could look more like Yul Brenner. You see ladies and gentlemen, that's what's wrong with society- more kids need to understand the unique contribution of Yul Brenner to our world. And I don't think they do.
I may have misspelled his name- it may be spelled David Brenner.
You asked for it, you got it!

Oh, and, the sun WILL come out tomorrow!
Actually, the songs are very easy IF you know the show. If you don't, you can only guess. Do I win a prize?
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