

There are no words for this

I knew there was a reason I liked this show.

Thanks Joe, what a great way to get ready for a Saturday morning rehearsal of The Full Monty...I am thinking about using it for a warm up exercise.
"Rehearsing the full monty" is that the phrase for it nowadays?
I sort of like "tickling the Teletubbie" as a euphemism. And as is frequently pointed out, you can make any phrase a euphemism for sex by putting "if you know what I mean" after it.

"We were 'listening to Tull', if you know what I mean..."

"She wanted to 'puree the guava', if you know what I mean..."

"They were 'reading the Book of Genesis', if you know what I mean..."

"Let's 'blog in Tabishland', if you know what I mean..."

I could do this all day. This might need another blog
Ian, check my website, we are really DOING The Full Monty in April. It is ok as a musical; I'd give it a B-. But my ticket sales are A+. It is scandalous in Tallahassee.hehehe

"Joe is ‘playing with his Zither,’ If you know what I mean...”

“Tim is ‘a wiener,’ if you know what I mean...”

“Nell is ‘filling prescriptions,’ if you know what I mean...”

“Kim is ‘a vegetarian,’ if you know what I mean...”

“Eric ‘loves a microphone,’ if you know what I mean. ...”

“Julianne is ‘vocal’ if you know what I mean. ...”

“Gracie ‘does her research,’ if you know what I mean...”

“Ian ‘does it on stage,’ if you know what I mean. ...”

Ron 'loves jeopardy' if you know what I mean."

All right I will stop… CAN”T

“Geoff loves to ‘torchette, with a few minor abrasions’ if you know what I mean….oops he really does”
Ginger knows what I mean, if you know what I mean.
Ginger, I wish I could come and see your show in Tallahassee. The Full Monty is one of my favorite movies...if you know what I mean!
"Some of my cast 'doesn't measure up' if you know what I mean. But those that do, 'Make it worth while' now you KNOW what I mean!"
Gingey, you bad girl, honey.
Gotta love this blog! Thanks for making my Monday, if you know what I mean!
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