

Did You Know...

...that the ten most generous nations are all in Europe?*

Here's an interesting website to bookmark for long on-call weekends or never-ending tech rehearsals. It may seem boring at first, although not if you are a statistician, but it's chock full of interesting minutiae that promises to suck your time like few things can. (It's crammed with so much info that it may take a while to download.)

*They are in order of donor per capita:
1. Luxembourg
2. Denmark
3. Norway
4. Netherlands
5. Sweden
6. Ireland
7. Switzerland
8. United Kingdom
9. Belgium
10. France

When you point out that the Danes are more generous than Americans, the terrorists win.
I did not know that.

Any of that.

What I'm sayin' is that it is of a part that I did not know.
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