

People with too much time on their hands

Nice chandelier, buddy.

Oh look. It's made out of gummy bears.

I'm making one out of Chuckles next.
Ahem, I'm not sure anyone on this blog can really point figures about time expenditures.
Fingers. Pointing figures is entirely different.
I'm keeping my eye on you, Kim.

And so is Sandy Duncan.
I want to own a suit made up entirely of gummy products. With it I shall wear my gummy underwear.
Gummy Bear Thong just popped into my head as a seriou money maker.
Tim is there a neurological reason for people's adoration of gummies?
The gummy breast implants are especially disturbing...


Breast implants.
Gummi Bears.

There is a career for some smart comedian right there.

Or some smart confectioner.
More Gummie fun for trekies

I also found a site that sells "organic vegan" gummies, I was just wondering, what are the real gummies made from... bear???

Point your fingers and figures at me I have wasted a whole evening looking at gummies on the web, I even found a youtube that looks and sounds suspiciously like my former students making their gummies do naughty things. Goodnight all.
Animal hooves aka geletin.

And now, a homemade 13 lb Gummi Bear.

Not quite as appetizing as a 1 gram Gummi Bear.
Hey Joe, maybe you should change that blog thing at the top to "...a virtual room for gummy bears."
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