

It's a little bit funny...

Happy 60th (yesterday) to the guy who used to sing "I've no wish to be living sixty years on."

Ah yes my friend- but "sixty years on" is dialectal for "sixty years from now" ergo he indeed has no wish to be living beyond 2030*

*Deconstruction on The Yellow Brick Road- An Anthropological Look at the Works of Elton John by Sir Robert Blanchwood, 1998

I'm on vacation and I'm doing this. sigh.
Hmm, indeed... But consider the very first line of the song:

"Who'll walk me down to church when I'm sixty years of age."

I think Bernie T. may have written "on" instead of "old" because it's a more open vowel (better for Elton), and sounds somehow hipper--in the pompously opaque sense of the word.

Or maybe it was both, and he wanted former high-school geeks to be debating this for years to come.

I'm not on vacation and I'm doing this. Sigh.
So what dinky town in W Pa is Black Moth Super Rainbow from and does it include anyone from Just Hit Pause?
Jeff, this brings back a memory for me. There was a bulletin board to the right of the entrance to the auditorium in the Junior High. The ONLY memory I have of something being posted on the board was "Reggie Dwight's 27th birthday." I remember thinking it was SO COOL that someone put that up there, and that they know who Reggie Dwight was. And then I thought "must have been a 9th grader." Like, that's the pinnacle of coolness.

NOW, I'm thinking, oh my God, was Elton John only 27 at some point in MY lifetime?!?! How old does that make me?!
'Bout a hundred.
Kim--that would have been 1974, just after my Elton John consciousness awoke with "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road," which now strikes me as strangely overwritten and overproduced for a lyric about returning to the simple life "back to the howling old owl in the woods, hunting the horny back toad" (ah, sheer poetry). And YET: I don't think even I knew who Reggie Dwight was at that point.
Well, you know how cool I was, Jeff.

Shut up, Bernie.
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