

Tabishfeststockpalooza II: Tabish in Washington

I will provide hotel info, etc as we get closer to the date. Of course, I can put some people up- but I only have a townhouse (as is the Maryland way) and so space may be a bit limited.

My company is performing As You Like It as a part of the international Shakespeare in Washington Festival. We get to play with the big kids as the other participants include the Royal Shakespeare Company, DC's Shakespeare Theatre Company, The Kirov Ballet and Opera, Arena Stage, The Folger Library, The National Symphony and other big shots (more info at http://www.shakespeareinwashington.org/) we really feel like the small fish in a really big pond, but sometimes that's fun too. I saw our name on a giant 40' x 40' banner at the Kennedy Center last night. It was a very exciting moment.

We perform outdoors at the PFI Historic Park- a beautiful site in Ellicott City, MD- an historic town about 45 minutes north of DC and 15 minutes west of Baltimore. We're a family friendly environment. The gates open at 6:30 for an 8:00 show time, but I know a guy so I can get us in earlier. We could even do 5:00 or so if you folks want. Picnicking on the site is encouraged and fun. We can organize that later.

I would be truly honored to have you come see As You Like It.

We are walking distance from Main Street Ellicott City, a restored 19th century mill town with lots of restaurants and anique shops - see the plaque on the building where Dave and Irene joined my family for dinner while the 2006 Super Bowl was being played (yeah, the Steeler one).

We're located in a wonderful site for touristing- so if you want to make a weekend of it- there are plenty of museums (of course)- the newly renovated National Portrait Gallery is terrific. You might want to check out the new WWII Memorial The Orioles will not be in town, but the Frederick Keys will be and they play Minor league ball just down the road (with a mini-amusement park in right field) and it's a lot of fun - if you're trying to convince someone to come who hates Shakespeare. Of course the National Aquarium and the Inner Harbor are always a treat- ask Nell about the American Visionary Art Museum- it's a real find. And, of course, PLENTY OF FISHING!!!!

Lastly, let me just remind everyone- it's not too far away- just 4 hours from Indiana, 5 from Pittsburgh, 2 hours from Philadelphia, 3.56 from New York City, 2 hours from Morgantown and only about 6 from Raleigh/Durham. Sorry, it is quite a drive from Illinois, Michigan and Florida (but well worth it) I think this years' goal should be to get Mr. Salerno's skinny ass up from Orlandoworld. (I always think one should set one's goals very high).

Thanks, Ian, this looks like fun. Could we call it "Mr Tabish goes to Washington" and have a climax on the Senate floor where he gives a filibuster and Dick Cheney (played by either Ron Jenkins or Tony Lenzi) tearfully acknowledges he's wrong and becomes a nice old man in the final reel.

Work on Salerno. Unless he's drunk to much of "The (Mouse)Man's" koolaid, he should get out and support the arts.

Can you also arrange for one of them Medieval Feasts for usbefore thge show where we eat turkey legs and drink "mead" whilst your troupe strolls amongst us mistreling, duelling and whoring?

Oh, and can you reactivate the Pumliconni blog; I miss it.
Will there be a caption contest for the poster you made?
Tim- oh yeah, we're all about the "reinactment" world. We tell all of our actors to say "hassah" a lot and not to bathe for months on end.

We also encourage audience blood-letting and drinking water from the same water source that we dump our raw sewage- you know, just to be accurate.

We're thinking of adding audience participation small pox epidemics to the mix this year. oh yeah, and turkey legs.

I barely know what Jacabean means.
Mr. Tabish will certainly be going to Washington Tim. I would rather not get near Dick!!!!!!! But it will be fun to picnic with any and all who can attend (yes Chip). And it will be wonderful seeing an authentic Gallanar production! Looking forward with some fear of what Tim might dream up! But forward just the same.
Has anyone investigated the website? The summary of "As You Like It," with the phrase "Artistic Director Ian Gallanar's inventive comic style" evokes the distinctive blurb-style copy of our sometime blog-friend Ty.
Younz guys, the Medievalus festivus idea is so hot. But kinda overexposed. Howsabout the CSC peeps doing more of a hobbit thingy?
How dare younz "trademark" my name? I'm looking in from Graceland airspace and I don't like what I see. I bet that "Tabish" guy will be after you, too. Thank'ye very much.
Ian since your friend's little pre-play avant garde art piece was such a success for you last year howsabout SENCITZDRACS (senior citizens SENDRACS, which is where we're headed) offers up a little audience palate pleaser before your show? It's the least we can do. A farce of old world meets new in the rollicking tradition of Jewish Thaeter: "Tabish the Nebbish".

All I have so far is the title.

Oh, and the climax, where Pino in mime whiteface--as Tabish-- flies in on a helicopter gunship (ala Miss Saigon meets Col Kilgore) blaring a bossa nova version of "Ride of the Valkyries" while burning up the Nazi stormtroopers at the big ball with his giant magnifying glass.
I'm just so excited about this. Nell, can you check and see if the beards and vinyl tubes that stood in for cossack boots are still in the box labeled "Fiddler" in the IAHS stage dungeon.

What's Rick Fisel up to these days; can we count on him?
Just to clarify - the symbol ™ means the item is a registered trademark, not that the person who wrote it owns it. Elvis™ and Brown™ are still owned by their parent companies - Tabishland™ is just recognizing that fact to avoid any lawsuits or misunderstandings.
Yo, Perry:
back off with the unwanted legal advice, just make sure the dynamic phase-shifter is patched correctly into the THX 1038 motherboard for maximum Doppler effect for Joey's big helicopter scene. I want that MF in Doubly and cranked up to 11 as the Huey comes sweeping over the audience as they enjoy their hobbit-esque follies and meaty turkey legs.
Syr Ian of Glen Burnie, I found a recipe for the "mead(e)" in case you doth needeth one to give our June 2 experience the richness it deserves:

"Syr Michael of York Mead
1 Gallon Water 2 1/2 lbs Honey
1 Lemon 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1 pkg Ale or Champagne yeast"

But I think you could just put some Splenda and honey into some Asti Spumante and noone would be the wiser.
My once-aggrieved client has been assuaged by your kind explanation, Mr. Mason. I'm told that the Godfather of Soul, temporarily upset by the defamation of his last name, also now "feels good" (I knew that he would, now).
Has anyone ever had Mead? Oooh, it's horrible.

I'm sorry, I misspoke. Change the word "Mead" to "Tim" and change the word "horrible" to "cracklin'"
Shit, Paris found our blog.
Oh, man. Only January 28th and the craziness has started already. If we don't all cyber-implode by June 2, it will be a miracle.
Ladye Julianne of Laird and Syr Richard of Workman accept this kind invitation and will be happily anticipating the merry gathering!
Has Tabish trod upon the tulips and daffodils by the reflecting pool in this poster. Doesn't that violate some version of the Patriot Act?

I have a caption for it, but I'd better not share it.
Ian, have you considered a late 70's/Brady Bunch angle for As You Like It?

Let me know if I can help out with other concept things. btw, Joey Pino does stuff with sound.
I will drag Chip's skinny ass up north behind my big one. June is the time to start escaping Florida anyway, right Chip?

Ian, please have a repeat of the Tigger/Mandonlin/Trumpet preshow music?
Excellent suggestion Ginger. Ian, conceptually it makes more sense to have your Tigger friend, perhaps with Just Hit Pause as the backup band, perform the Ride of the Valkyries in a more surf/kletzmer genre for the climactic helicopter scene. Will your budget for the show support all the napalm you'll need? If not, you better get crackin' on those bake sales.
Hoagie Sales
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